Welcome to the Benchmark Tour race 5, to be held on a testing 16k circuit, the start/finish point and race venue is based on the magnificent Woollaston Estates winery, events and arts centre, located on Old Coach Road, Mahana, Tasman.
The race will cover 8 laps of the circuit, turning left from just after the start into George Harvey Road & Best Road, a section that is quick and undulating. Once through to Gardeners Valley Road corner its just on 1k to the Moutere Highway approach, a slow technical corner for the left turn onto the road that will take the peleton to the historic German settlement of the Upper Moutere township. Just after Upper Moutere the race will pass Kahurangi Estate Winery, through another undulating section of the course for an approach to the left turn onto the Old Coach Road section, immediately taking in a climb of 100m to the highest point on the course at 160m. from this point its just 2k to the start/finish line at Woollastons.
This circuit has been rated very highly by many visiting cyclists, not just for its scenic value, but for the circuit that is race 5 of the Benchmark Tour.

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